Tag Internet

Hoe verhoog je het vertrouwen in media-uitingen?

Op het NPO Innovatie Festival organiseerden Maarten Zeinstra (IP-Squared) en Maarten Brinkerink (Beeld & Geluid) een workshop voor mediaprofessionals rond de vraag: Hoe verhoog je het vertrouwen in media-uitingen.

An Envisioned Future of Social Media by Ethan Zuckerman

Rather than getting people terrified about surveillance capitalism, we should show alternative possibilities. Small diverse networks where you get to be the one who decides what is acceptable behavior, where you get the responsibility of building communities that meet your needs. A talk with Ethan Zuckerman on the future of social media.

Interim governance

PublicSpaces wants to get things done. We think, but like to act as well. That’s why we’ve gone ahead, visited a notary public and started our PublicSpaces Foundation, that will lay the groundwork for the reconquista of the public domain… Verder lezen →

Reconquering the commons

Photo by Annet Neijmeijer The internet has become an indispensable tool for modern society; we can’t imagine having to live without the convenience of internet-based applications that provide us with services like navigation, email, social interactions with our friends, information… Verder lezen →

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