Librecast raises awareness of the need of sovereign media distribution for a more inclusive and democratic media landscape. It does so by documenting best practices in a growing knowledge base, sharing the stories of the implementations and overseeing a wide range of outreach and capacity building activities.
The project consists from:
(a) This online knowledge base, that provides examples of (media distribution) technology that aligns with public values as outlined in the PublicSpaces manifesto;
(b) Conduct different pan-EU in depth case studies that highlight the uptake of open technology in the news and media production and distribution chain. By creating a self- assessment framework, conducting interviews and executing technology watch activities;
(c) Organise two online events and our partners to showcase findings of (b);
(d) Define a ‘practitioners’ statement’. This statement will contain recommendations and implementation guidelines of the best practices by various media outlets.
The project started in 2021 and will come to an end around February 2023. During the whole process we will report and write new updates at this project page.