SWOT and GAP Analysis of the Proof of Provenance project

The Proof of Provenance (PoP) project, has recently undergone an introspective into its current research outcomes.

Bron: Waag

The Proof of Provenance (PoP) project, which investigates how online media expressions can be provided with proof of authenticity, has recently undergone an introspective into its current research outcomes and compared this to similar perspectives. 

The publication is part of the first phase of the project (until april 2022) and has been researched by Maarten Zeinstra (IP Squared). “. The report uses a landscape analysis based on a comparative study of similar initiatives, a GAP analysis and a SWOT analysis. Using these tools allowed for collecting early lessons learned for our community. This has led to a series of seven recommendations for the project moving forward:

  1. Research external storage location of metadata.
  2. Develop Support for multiple media formats.
  3. Explore collaboration with similar initiatives. 
  4. Add initial publication platform to signature. 
  5. Improve user experience by exploring quoting text while keeping signature intact. 
  6. Distinguishing between signed and unsigned material on pages that contain both. 
  7. Research storing verification of a PoP in a static way for archiving purposes. 

Some of these recommendations have already been implemented in the latest proof of concept of PoP.

Read the full report here


Proof of Provenance receives financial support from the Ministry of the Interior. Project partners are: NPO, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, VPRO, KRO-NCRV, Nederlands instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, Waag, stichting Privacy by Design, Radboud Universiteit, stichting Public Spaces.
