
Fighting fake news one person at a time
As the Russian population has been shut off from most foreign news sources, the country is dealing with a severe lack of trustworthy news sources. Different people and organizations have found creative ways of reaching the Russian public to provide them with more accurate information. We talked to Paulius Senuta, co-founder of the Call Russia Project, an initiative that aims to motivate Russian diaspora across the globe to pick up the phone and call Russian citizens, to inform them about the war in Ukraine.

The BBC: reclaiming control over its data
Personalisation is no longer reserved for commercial parties like Spotify and Netflix. For the last few years public services have hopped on this trend, but the BBC is now taking the lead by creating a central open-source recommendation and data control service called My PDS.

Vijf omroepteams experimenteerden met open source tools: waar ontmoet je je publiek?
Deze maand heeft de twaalfde hackathon van het VPRO Medialab plaatsgevonden. We spraken Geert-Jan Strengholt en Toon Toetenel over de hackathon, die als thema open community's had.
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